The Tobacco market is characterized by an unprecedented wave of innovation as established tobacco products continue to lose their luster in an environment shaped by ageing and more health-conscious consumers and tightening regulation. However, the change towards risk-reduced products like e-cigarettes can be financed by still high sales revenues given that the cost-base of the industry can be held in check. In nominal terms, the worldwide sales revenue of all covered Tobacco products is forecast to increase on average by 2.5% per year between 2014 and 2027, eventually reaching over US$1 trillion by the end of the forecast period.
Adults in the United States are among the top consumers of cigars. Only the Lebanese spend more on the vice per capita than Americans, who spend about $36 year on cigars. Other high rollers that enjoy blowing a lot of cash on pricey cigars are Brits, Luxembourgers, Icelanders, Swiss, and Qataris. This is probably due to the high tobacco taxes and/or tobacco price levels in these nations.
The Average Revenue per Capita in this graph was computed using the total population, including those between the ages of 1 and 16.